.nextmock Files

The nextmock generator needs to know which classes to mock. To do that, we use simple property file to place this information. By convention, we name those files .nextmock.

The .nextmock file contains a single property : nextmock.classes which is a comma separated list of classes to mock.

For example :

nextmock.classes = org.nextmock.Generator \
        , org.nextmock.SourceFileWriter \
        , org.nextmock.PropertyFileLoader \
        , org.nextmock.model.classes.ClassParser \
        , org.nextmock.model.MockableClass \
        , org.nextmock.ConfigurationFileSet

You can place this file in the same directory than your test sources, so that you have one .nextmock file per testing package.

Note : do not forget the  at the end of the line if you want to use multi-line property like in the example here before.