What is nextMock ?

nextMock is a tool generating mock java classes.

Definition and other references of mock objects can be found at http://www.mockobjects.com.

What are the major features?

- Expressive expectation API (inspired from jmock )

- IDE auto-completion support

- Strong typing of the expectations (not yet fully implemented)

- Strong IDE refactoring support (not yet implemented, look here for more details )

- ANT integration

- Maven integration

- Mock classes without requiring sources access

- Mock classes, abstract classes and interfaces

- Mock classes having parameters in its constructor (not yet implemented)

- Possibility to Mock some methods of a class (not yet implemented)

What is the status of nextMock?

nextMock is currently in its first phase. The API is not yet finalized and should not yet be used to test production code.

It requires Java 1.5

It delegates to jmock for the expectation implementation. ( look here for more dependencies)

It is usable from ant and from maven.

It is not yet integrated with any IDE.

It is released to allow the user community evaluation of its potential, and to receive early feed back.